Sunday, March 13, 2011

Urrea and Presentations

The ending story in Urrea's book is very interesting. The feel of death, despair, and hatred are the dominant forces that is hanging over the reader during the entire story until the very end when the theme of new life and rebirth is introduced. At the end of the story while Don Her Many Horses is singing a song in honor of Stormy, who has just died, and asks Bobby to join him in the song. Bobby is mourning the death of his wife, who is Don Her Many Horses' sister, and is able to truly express himself through the song of these "injuns" that he once hated. This type of ending to the book really ties the rest of the book together. It shows that although people have and possibly still do hate each other, there is a common bond in between us. Hopefully we don't need a tragedy to bring us together like in this book however.

Good job on the presentations everybody!!! I enjoyed all of them very much, and really liked the dance one because of the first hand videos, that was very neat. I also enjoyed the political lesson and it was neat to learn about how Hispanics impact the voting and the trends they display in their right to vote.

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