In the film Ray we see an African American boy that has gone blind grow up to be a successful musician and overcome adversity and tough life events. Through watching this movie it taught me that music can be very influential. Music can be a great way of bringing people together and facing racism.
In the clubs that Ray played in he would incorporate all different types of music, which included orchestra, country, jazz, and gospel. While playing this music he fought against segregation. This reminded me a lot of what Brianna and I found when we were doing research for Arab American music for our presentations. Both of the artists that we researched focused on incorporating different music, and the lyrics focused on peace, global unity, and acceptance. Their goal is to bring people together. This kind of reminded me of how Ray is remembered in the movie. Even though he dealt with drugs and other problems through his hard work and life story he has been remembered as a great musician that also strived to make a difference against segregation.
This can be tied into CRT number 5. CRT number 5 says that each individual has a different background and different story to contribute to history. I think with Ray's story he obviously has a unique background, but also with how he incorporated orchestra, country, jazz, and gospel it shows that he respected all different types of music and knew that they all had a place. I think this is how it is when it comes to different races too. They have all contributed to history and all have a story. It seems like people like Ray and the Arab American artists recognize this more than others.
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