Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Order of Myths

This movie shocked me. I had no idea that there was somewhere that this much segregation still existed, and not just racism, but hierarchy. Honestly, I would be embarrassed to be part of the white party of Mardi Gras. One thing that really surprised me is how open they were about the segregation. Their excuse was that things had always been that way, but I think that is ignorant. I think instead of owning up to the fact that they are racist and looking bad they just say " This is how its always been."

One thing that really surprised me was how at the tea party the only people that were serving were the blacks. This in itself should be an obvious racial problem. It was the same way when the white queen needed help with her dress. The seamstress was black, but she of course would not be at the white queen's mardi gras party. This all seems so strange to me.

Then to add to it the only mardi gras party that was started to stop the segregation and include whites and blacks was put on by blacks. If we go back in history it was the whites that first "segregated" against the blacks so it seems to me that they should put out an effort to stop it now, but clearly they are not. However, the blacks are, which does not seem very fair or make sense.

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